Results for 'Margareth Lara Capurro'

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  1.  22
    Implementation of the Artificial Feeders in Hematophagous Arthropod Research Cooperates to the Vertebrate Animal Use Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3Rs) Principle.Margareth Lara Capurro - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 5 (1).
  2. Risk and Rationality.Lara Buchak - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Lara Buchak sets out a new account of rational decision-making in the face of risk. She argues that the orthodox view is too narrow, and suggests an alternative, more permissive theory: one that allows individuals to pay attention to the worst-case or best-case scenario, and vindicates the ordinary decision-maker.
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  3. Toward a comparative theory of agents.Rafael Capurro - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (4):479-488.
    The purpose of this paper is to address some of the questions on the notion of agent and agency in relation to property and personhood. I argue that following the Kantian criticism of Aristotelian metaphysics, contemporary biotechnology and information and communication technologies bring about a new challenge—this time, with regard to the Kantian moral subject understood in the subject’s unique metaphysical qualities of dignity and autonomy. The concept of human dignity underlies the foundation of many democratic systems, particularly in Europe (...)
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  4. On Floridi’s metaphysical foundation of information ecology.Rafael Capurro - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):167-173.
    The paper presents a critical appraisal of Floridi’s metaphysical foundation of information ecology. It highlights some of the issues raised by Floridi with regard to the axiological status of the objects in the “infosphere,” the moral status of artificial agents, and Floridi’s foundation of information ethics as information ecology. I further criticise the ontological conception of value as a first order category. I suggest that a weakening of Floridi’s demiurgic information ecology is needed in order not to forget the limitations (...)
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    (1 other version)Intercultural information ethics: foundations and applications.Rafael Capurro - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (2):116-126.
    – This paper aims to examine the present status of the research field intercultural information ethics including the foundational debate as well as specific issues., – A critical overview of the recent literature of the field is given., – The present IIE debate focuses on a narrow view of the field leaving aside comparative studies with non‐digital media as well as with other epochs and cultures. There is an emphasis on the question of privacy but other issues such as online (...)
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    The nursing discipline and self-realization.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (6):723-733.
    Background: It is obvious from literature within the nursing discipline that nursing is related to moral or moral–philosophical related ideas which are other-oriented. The socio-cultural process of change in modern society implies that more self-oriented ideas have been found to be significant. Aim: The overall aim of this article is to highlight self-oriented moral or moral–philosophical related ideas as an important part of the nursing discipline. This is achieved by (a) exploring self-realization as a significant self-oriented moral or moral–philosophical related (...)
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    Commentary: Research Ethics after World War II: The Insular Culture of Biomedicine.Lara Freidenfelds & Allan M. Brandt - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (3):239-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Research Ethics after World War II: The Insular Culture of BiomedicineAllan M. Brandt (bio) and Lara Freidenfelds (bio)Human subjects research in the United States has only recently emerged as an important area of historical investigation. Over the last quarter century, scholars have begun the process of grounding within an historical context both the complex relationship between researchers and subjects and the processes by which biomedical knowledge is produced. (...)
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    Causal judgments about atypical actions are influenced by agents' epistemic states.Lara Kirfel & David Lagnado - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104721.
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    Translating Information.Rafael Capurro - 2017 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 4 (1):122-128.
    Paper presented at the conference FIS/ISIS 2015: Information Society at the Crossroads — Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, June 3-6, 2015. See: Conference Proceedings. The paper is based on my Apud Arabes. Notes on the Greek, Latin, Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew Roots of the Concept of Information (Capurro 2014), that goes back to my PhD thesis Information (Capurro 1978), as well as on Rafael Capurro and Birger Hjørland: The Concept (...)
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    Narrating Evil: A Postmetaphysical Theory of Reflective Judgment.María Pía Lara - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Conceptions of evil have changed dramatically over time, and though humans continue to commit acts of cruelty against one another, today we possess a clearer, more moral way of analyzing them. In _Narrating Evil_, María Pía Lara explores what has changed in our understanding of evil, why the transformation matters, and how we can learn from this specific historical development. Drawing on Immanuel Kant's and Hannah Arendt's ideas about reflective judgment, Lara argues that narrative plays a key role (...)
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    The problem of uptake.Joel de Lara - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (10):3893-3929.
    To perform an illocutionary act – e.g. to apologise – is it necessary, sufficient, or irrelevant that a hearer understand you to be performing that act? This issue is sometimes called the ‘problem of uptake’. Famously, Austin’s inaugural account makes uptake necessary for illocutionary force. For decades, critics have objected to this view: Some have sought to show that uptake is irrelevant; others have argued that uptake is important though not essential; while still others have argued that uptake is necessary (...)
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  12. Kant's ethics and duties to oneself.Lara Denis - 1997 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 78 (4):321–348.
    This paper investigates the nature and foundation of duties to oneself in Kant's moral theory. Duties to oneself embody the requirement of the formula of humanity that agents respect rational nature in them-selves as well as in others. So understood, duties to oneself are not subject to the sorts of conceptual objections often raised against duties to oneself; nor do these duties support objections that Kant's moral theory is overly demanding or produces agents who are preoccupied with their own virtue. (...)
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    Culture-based artefacts to inform ICT design: foundations and practice.Lara S. G. Piccolo & Roberto Pereira - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):437-453.
    Cultural aspects frame our perception of the world and direct the many different ways people interact with things in it. For this reason, these aspects should be considered when designing technology with the purpose to positively impact people in a community. In this paper, we revisit the foundations of culture aiming to bring this concept in dialogue with design. To inform design with cultural aspects, we model reality in three levels of formality: informal, formal, and technical, and subscribe to a (...)
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  14.  25
    Digital Whoness: Identity, Privacy and Freedom in the Cyberworld.Rafael Capurro, Michael Eldred & Daniel Nagel - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    The first aim is to provide well-articulated concepts by thinking through elementary phenomena of today s world, focusing on privacy and the digital, to clarify who we are in the cyberworld hence a phenomenology of digital whoness. The second aim is to engage critically, hermeneutically with older and current literature on privacy, including in today s emerging cyberworld. Phenomenological results include concepts of i) self-identity through interplay with the world, ii) personal privacy in contradistinction to the privacy of private property, (...)
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    Ethical Issues After the Disclosure of a Terminal Illness: Danish and Norwegian hospice nurses' reflections.Margarethe Lorensen, Anne J. Davis, Emiko Konishi & Eli H. Bunch - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (2):175-185.
    This research explored the ethical issues that nurses reported in the process of elaboration and further disclosure after an initial diagnosis of a terminal illness had been given. One hundred and six hospice nurses in Norway and Denmark completed a questionnaire containing 45 items of forced-choice and open-ended questions. This questionnaire was tested and used in three countries prior to this study; for this research it was tested on Danish and Norwegian nurses. All respondents supported the ethics of ongoing disclosure (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: ihr Denken veränderte die Welt: das Buch zum Film von Margarethe von Trotta.Martin Wiebel & Margarethe von Trotta (eds.) - 2012 - München: Piper.
    "Hannah Arendt war der schwierigste Film, den ich je gemacht habe", sagt Margarethe von Trotta. Die grosse Denkerin Hannah Arendt fühlte sich.
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  17. Kant's Conception of Virtue.Lara Denis - 2006 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this paper, I explicate Kant’s theory of virtue and situate it within the context of theories of virtue before Kant (such as Aristotle, Hobbes, and Hume) and after Kant (such as Schiller and Schopenhauer). I explore Kant’s notions of virtue as a disposition to do one’s duty out of respect for the moral law, as moral strength in non-holy wills, as the moral disposition in conflict, and as moral self-constraint based on inner freedom. I distinguish between Kant’s notions of (...)
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  18.  53
    The future of critical theory?Mariá Piá Lara - 2008 - Constellations 15 (2):265-270.
  19. Collective Traumas and the Development of Leader Values: A Currently Omitted, but Increasingly Urgent, Research Area.Lara A. Tcholakian, Svetlana N. Khapova, Erik van de Loo & Roger Lehman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:429390.
    The number of traumatic events that occur worldwide is increasing, yet the literature pays little attention to their implications for leader development. This paper calls for a consideration of how collective trauma such as genocides and the Holocaust can shape the cognition of leaders who are second- and third-generation descendants. Drawing on research on the transgenerational transmission of collective trauma, social learning, social identity and psychodynamic theories, we identify three mechanisms through which collective trauma can be transmitted to leaders: cultural (...)
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  20. Freedom, primacy, and perfect duties to oneself.Lara Denis - 2010 - In Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  21. ch. 12. Can it be rational to have faith?Lara Buchak - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison (eds.), Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    Pasado, presente y futuro de la noción de información.Rafael Capurro - 2014 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (1):110-136.
    Este artigo apresenta de forma resumida a complexa historia da noção de informação na tradução greco-romana, medieval e moderna. A partir da etimologia latina dessa noção e de suas raízes nos conceitos gregos de eidos / ideia e morphé se mostra como a noção de informação no seu conceito ontológico (‘dar forma a algo’) perde sua relevância na modernidade, mantendo-se o sentido de ‘dizer algo a alguém’. As teorias da informação no século XX apoiadas na concepção de sistemas técnicos de (...)
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    (1 other version)Confronting School's Contradictions With Video: Youth's Need of Agency for Ontological Development.Lara Margaret Beaty - 2013 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 14 (1):4 - 25.
    A basic contradiction in education is that while education and guidance from people with more knowledge is necessary for the development of higher psychological functioning, the constraints imposed on student activity often become a hindrance to development. This contradiction is revealed in how youth participate in video production programs and becomes analyzable because video production brings the conflict to the surface. During video production, students often act with greater agency than they do in other school activities. This shift evokes the (...)
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    Textkritisches zu den seneca-tragödien.Margarethe Billerbeck - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):154-155.
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    Digitization as an ethical challenge.Rafael Capurro - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (2):277-283.
  26. Das Capurrosche Trilemma.Rafael Capurro - 1998 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 9 (2):188-189.
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  27. Ethics of Information Technology in Medicine and Health Care.Rafael Capurro, Frankfurt Oder Viadrina & P. O. Germany - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 5:09.
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    Is a unified theory of information feasible? A trialogue.Rafael Capurro, Peter Fleissner & Wolfgang Hofkirchner - 1997 - World Futures 49 (3):213-234.
  29.  20
    Imagens de Foucault e Deleuze: ressonâncias nietzchianas.Margareth Rago, Luiz B. L. Orlandi & Alfredo Veiga-Neto (eds.) - 2002 - Rio de Janeiro: DP&A.
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  30. Autonomy and the highest good.Lara Denis - 2005 - Kantian Review 10:33-59.
    Kant’s ethics conceives of rational beings as autonomous–capable of legislating the moral law, and of motivating themselves to act out of respect for that law. Kant’s ethics also includes a notion of the highest good, the union of virtue with happiness proportional to, and consequent on, virtue. According to Kant, morality sets forth the highest good as an object of the totality of all things good as ends. Much about Kant’s conception of the highest good is controversial. This paper focuses (...)
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  31. Belief, credence, and norms.Lara Buchak - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (2):1-27.
    There are currently two robust traditions in philosophy dealing with doxastic attitudes: the tradition that is concerned primarily with all-or-nothing belief, and the tradition that is concerned primarily with degree of belief or credence. This paper concerns the relationship between belief and credence for a rational agent, and is directed at those who may have hoped that the notion of belief can either be reduced to credence or eliminated altogether when characterizing the norms governing ideally rational agents. It presents a (...)
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  32. Can it be Rational to have Faith?Lara Buchak - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison (eds.), Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 225.
    This paper provides an account of what it is to have faith in a proposition p, in both religious and mundane contexts. It is argued that faith in p doesn’t require adopting a degree of belief that isn’t supported by one’s evidence but rather it requires terminating one’s search for further evidence and acting on the supposition that p. It is then shown, by responding to a formal result due to I.J. Good, that doing so can be rational in a (...)
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  33. Weighing the Risks of Climate Change.Lara Buchak - 2017 - The Monist 102 (1):66-83.
    This essay argues that when setting climate policy, we should place more weight on worse possible consequences of a policy, while still placing some weight on better possible consequences. The argument proceeds by elucidating the range of attitudes people can take towards risk, how we must make choices for people when we don’t know their risk-attitudes, and the situation we are in with respect to climate policy and the consequences for future people. The result is an alternative to the Precautionary (...)
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  34. Instrumental rationality, epistemic rationality, and evidence-gathering.Lara Buchak - 2010 - Philosophical Perspectives 24 (1):85-120.
    This paper addresses the question of whether gathering additional evidence is always rationally required, both from the point of view of instrumental rationality and of epistemic rationality. It is shown that in certain situations, it is not instrumentally rational to look for more evidence before making a decision. These are situations in which the risk of “misleading” evidence – a concept that has both instrumental and epistemic senses – is not offset by the gains from the possibility of non-misleading evidence. (...)
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  35. Ethical issues of online communication research.Rafael Capurro & Christoph Pingel - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (3):189-194.
    The paper addresses severalethical issues in online communication researchin light of digital ontology as well as theepistemological questions raised by theblurring boundary between fact and theory inthis field. The concept of ontology is used ina Heideggerian sense as related to the humancapacity of world construction on the basis ofthe givenness of our being-in-the-world.Ethical dilemmas of Internet research thusarise from the tension between bodily existenceand the proper object of research, i.e., onlineexistence. The following issues are beingconsidered: online identity, online language,online consent (...)
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    Capture the Unexpressed: Anecdote as a Device in Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research.Margareth Eilifsen - 2011 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 11 (1):1-9.
    I sit on the edge of the bed of my youngest daughter and read the fairy tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. My little four-year-old daughter has heard this story thousands of times and simply loves it. In my eagerness to create a good story and a good setting I add some personal description to the story. Then she who is thrilled with the story makes a strange face and corrects my telling: “No, mama, it is not like that. (...)
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  37. Towards an ontological foundation of information ethics.Rafael Capurro - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):175-186.
    The paper presents, firstly, a brief review of the long history\nof information ethics beginning with the Greek concept of parrhesia\nor freedom of speech as analyzed by Michel Foucault. The recent concept\nof information ethics is related particularly to problems which arose\nin the last century with the development of computer technology and\nthe internet. A broader concept of information ethics as dealing\nwith the digital reconstruction of all possible phenomena leads to\nquestions relating to digital ontology. Following Heidegger{\textquoteright}s\nconception of the relation between ontology and metaphysics, (...)
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  38. Privacy. An intercultural perspective.Rafael Capurro - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (1):37-47.
    This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to differences between Japanese and Western conceptions. It starts with a reconstruction of the genealogy of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy. An analysis of the Western concept of informational privacy is presented. The Japanese topic of ‘‘denial of self” (Musi) as well as the concepts of Seken, Shakai and Ikai (as analyzed by the authors of the companion piece on privacy (...)
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    On the necessity of prefigurative politics.Lara Monticelli - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):99-118.
    The purpose of this article is to elaborate on the concept of prefiguration by outlining the necessity of its contribution to a progressive public philosophy for the 2020s. In the introduction, I explain how the object of critique for many social theorists has shifted over the course of the last decade from neoliberal globalization to capitalism understood as an encompassing form of life. In light of this, I enumerate the features that should define a progressive public philosophy: radical, emancipatory, and (...)
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    Practical Cognition, Reflective Judgment, and the Realism of Kant’s Moral Glaube.Lara Ostaric - 2017 - In Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 91-118.
  41. Love of Honor as a Kantian Virtue.Lara Denis - 2014 - In Alix Cohen (ed.), Kant on Emotion and Value. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 191-209.
  42.  10
    Rethinking Evil: Contemporary Perspectives.María Pía Lara (ed.) - 2001 - University of California Press.
    This innovative volume will be welcomed by moral and political philosophers, social scientists, and anyone who reflects seriously on the twentieth century's heavy burden of war, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and other evidence of people's desire to harm one another. María Pía Lara brings together a provocative set of essays that reexamine evil in the context of a "postmetaphysical" world, a world that no longer equates natural and human evil and no longer believes in an omnipotent God. The question of (...)
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    Der Kyniker Demetrius: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der frühkaiserzeitlichen Popularphilosophie.Margarethe Billerbeck - 1979 - Leiden: BRILL.
  44. Heidegger über Sprache und Information.Rafael Capurro - 1981 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 88 (2):333-343.
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  45. Kant's formula of the end in itself: Some recent debates.Lara Denis - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):244–257.
    This is a survey article in which I explore some important recent work on the topic in question, Kant’s formula of the end in itself (or “formula of humanity”). I first provide an overview of the formulation, including what the formula seems roughly to be saying, and what Kant’s main argument for it seems to be. I then call the reader’s attention to a variety of questions one might have about the import of and argument for this formula, alluding to (...)
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    Reflective judgment as world disclosure.María Pía Lara - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):83-100.
    In this article I deal with Kant's concept of reflective judgment, and recover it through its links to the aesthetic dimension as its fundamental scenario. Then I go on to explain why Hannah Arendt understood this important Kantian connection, and why she thought it would allow her to develop it through a political dimension. Last, having reviewed both Kant and Arendt's contributions to the concept of reflective judgment, I recover my own input to the concept by showing its linguistic dimension (...)
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    Der Demetrius Kyniker: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Frühkaiserzeitlichen Popularphilosophie.Margarethe Billerbeck - 1979 - Leiden: Brill.
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    African Information Ethics in the context of the global Information Society.Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz, Thomas Hausmanninger, M. Nakado, F. Weil & M. Nagenborg - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7:1-353.
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    A long-standing encounter.Rafael Capurro - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):331-332.
  50.  21
    Enculturating Algorithms.Rafael Capurro - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):131-137.
    The paper deals with the difference between who and what we are in order to take an ethical perspective on algorithms and their regulation. The present casting of ourselves as homo digitalis implies the possibility of projecting who we are as social beings sharing a world, into the digital medium, thereby engendering what can be called digital whoness, or a digital reification of ourselves. A main ethical challenge for the evolving digital age consists in unveiling this ethical difference, particularly when (...)
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